Ongoing projects and initiatives
Healthcare faces numerous challenges, hence many opportunities for BRP to explore. In recent months we launched several initiatives. These files are very different both in nature and in progress. Some files are still conceptual ideas; others are closer to implementation. Please note that some of these files have been developed in partnership with other companies.
Please find some of the files we are presently working on :
- Outsourcing (medical and administrative) : several ideas are being tested with the similar aim of offering outsourced services to healthcare providers, specifically in medical secretaries (protocol writing) and in off-site diagnostic (especially for small-size hospital lacking the critical mass for some sub-specialties in medical imagery).
- Creation of a group of mid-size hospitals with 2 aims : 1) comparison of specific procurement data ; 2) grouped negotiation for non-strategic procurement categories (this project is being carried out in joint-venture)
- Development of a commercial branch and selection of a local partner to launch a medical device (very specialized) on a new market
- Support for a building project of a new hospital in Northern Africa (currently being discussed) : in this file, BRP is to play the role of intermediary between the project promoters and the potential investors; the goal is twofold: advising the promoters and finding sources of investment.
- Exploring creation of a specialized polyclinic
- Development of a new service for hospitals ongoing a programming phase. Often hospitals need support when it comes to tailoring their facilities (size, technology). This service would provide hospitals with trends in their region based on demographics, socio-economics, technologies and epidemiologic studies (conceptual phase; project would be developed in joint-venture)